Jelena Fuzinato

Fear of Returning Replaced by the Fear of Never Returning

Billboards in public spaces: I, Leipzig Germany, Schulze-Delitzsch-Straße 27 | II, Belgrade, Serbia (Central Bus station) 2021

Tandem billboards in public spaces in Belgrade and Leipzig based on a pencil drawing.

The work navigates the placelessness of fear linked to a migratory way of existing. This way is twofold and is articulated in seemingly opposed states of anxieties, namely: the fear of never returning linked to the sense of rootless abandonment of the homeland and the fear of returning as a failure of not being able to adapt and build the new sought for everyday life in the chosen migrant reality. This intertwined duplicity is actualized in the format of billboards exhibited in two cities, Belgrade and Leipzig. The first looking at the second, the second looking at the first. A circle of 942 km of air distance where the word never is exchanged on both sides, hushed and at the same time impertinently implied.

*In the frame of The DIALOG billboard project, curated by Clara Hofmann (IDEAL Leipzig) in cooperation with Sanda Kalebić (U10 art space Belgrade). The exhibition project is supported with funds from the Cultural Office of the City of Leipzig. More about the project here.