Jelena Fuzinato

Kultur Mitte Magazin 

“Gott Miau Miau Avatar Mutter” Kunst am Bau Projekt von Jelena Fužinato.

Witten by Cleo Wächter und Lusin Reinsch


Im kürzlich wieder geöffneten Zillehaus, einem Jugendzentrum in Moabit, findet man seit der Sanierung auch die Kunst Am Bau von Jelena Fužinato. Die ortsspezifische, vielschichtige Arbeit wurde nicht nur für, sondern auch mit den Nutzer*innen gemacht.



Photo: Ilaria Biotti

in >>> Kunst im Umbau

Eine Berliner Projektreihe im Kontext urbaner Wohnraumverknappung



Kann Kunst in den Debatten um urbane Wohnraumverknappung, Zuzug und Gentrifizierung einen Beitrag leisten? Und wenn ja, welchen? Ausgehend von diesen Fragestellungen begibt sich Kunst im UmBau in Berliner Mehrparteienhäuser, die von Sanierungsmaßnahmen, Mieterhöhungen und der Aufteilung in Eigentumswohnungen betroffen sind. Die kuratierte Projektreihe hat zum Ziel, einen neutralen Kommunikationsraum für kontroverse Interessen und divergierende Sichtweisen herzustellen. Die künstlerischen Arbeiten positionieren sich in halbprivaten, halböffentlichen Bereichen wie Stiegenhäusern, Innenhöfen und Eingangshallen. Die Dokumentation stellt die Werke von Alexander Wolff, 44flavours, Jelena Fuzinato, Rubén D’hers, Pierre-Etienne Morelle und Studio Achtviertel vor und reflektiert Prozesse und Diskussionen.

in >>> Past forward / platform for artistic production and curatorial research.



Past forward is a platform for artistic production and curatorial research.
The project starts up from looking at the process of creation of those research-based practices that deal with transmission of memory and fabrication of knowledge, and from considering the Internet as the new “theatre of memory”*, a space containing (almost) all the existing knowledge, as well as the tool of a ceaseless (over)production of knowledge.Within the context of this hyper-production of contents, past forward acts as a “resonance chamber” of our current approach to knowledge – whether this is artistic or societal – and addresses the question of how the Internet may be a space for creation and display of these practices, how it can bring a further reading of their research process and how it can play as a mise en abîme of the overproduction of information.

past forward creates contents – commissioning online site-specific visual art projects (cartes blanches) or publishing critical essays and interviews with artists and curators (blow-up) – while opening windows on external subjects (research), symbolically weaving links between its own constituent elements and those materials that, within the Internet, similarly deal with memory and knowledge.
past forward also initiates different forms of curatorial research either through online and offline exhibitions or playing with the presentation of research content in social media (Instagram projects).*Reflections about the “theatre of memory” refer to the work of the Venetian Renaissance philosopher Giulio Camillo (1480-1544) and explore the similarity between the “hyperlink” structure of the Internet and the systematisation of knowledge as imagined by Camillo.

Umjetnički rast i razvoj u Berlinu

Priljev umjetnika u Berlin se iz godine u godinu povećava. Razvijeno umjetničko tržište može biti jedan od razloga za takvu navalu kao i potreba za umrežavanjem, osobnim i profesionalnim razvojem, nužnost življenja u fluktuirajućem gradu, u konstantnom pokretu s puno mogućnosti. Jedna od skoro nezaobilaznih točaka za mlade umjetnike s prostora exYu na mapi Berlina jest Institut für Kunst im Kontext na Universität der Künste, Berlin.


Screen Shot 2017-03-15 at 17.45.46



Masterarbeiten am Institut für Kunst im Kontext 201 5/201 6

Universität der Künste Berlin, 22.–24. Juli 201 6 (DE)

PDF → 0- IfKiK-UdK-MA Katalog web



Link to the publication → Magazin „Garderobe“



NO LIABILITY IS TAKEN FOR WARDROBE/ Forms of Resistance in Fashion and Production

An publication for exhibition and discursive project by the /ecm master programme for exhibition theory and practice of the University of Applied Arts Vienna in the Angewandte Innovation Laboratory (AIL) and in public space.




Ein Ausstellungs- und Diskursprojekt des /ecm-Lehrgangs der Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien im Angewandte Innovation Laboratory (AIL) und im öffentlichen Raum.







Link to the whole Interview  → CUMMA PAPERS #18

PDF → cumma-papers-18




Working with archives is a central issue in curating— the rules and limitations around what is called an archive influence most of our practices. Contemporary theory and philosophy questions the archive to render it inoperative, rather than making it operate in new ways. Stefan Nowotny is a researcher, philosopher and lecturer at Goldsmiths in the University of London who also engages in translation projects and collaborations with visual and performance artists. He visited Aalto University in autumn 2014 with a workshop and lecture as part of CuMMA’s Discourse Series. In his conversation, Nowotny pondered the problematic notion of cultural translation, the difference between language and culture, and the dimensions of an archive.